Celebrate Canadian Inventions and Innovations

Aug 16, 2017

July 1, 2017, marks the 150th anniversary of the Canadian Confederation—the process by which the British colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were united into one Dominion of Canada on July 1, 1867. All year, the country will be celebrating this exciting milestone with events and activities. It’s a perfect time to visit!

To honor Canada’s sesquicentennial, the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto launched Canada 150: Discovery Way, an installation illustrating unique scientific achievements by Canadians. With inventions ranging from the hockey mask to the flight recorder and from the original Jolly Jumper to the BlackBerry pager, Canadian innovation and ingenuity is present in our everyday lives.

Researched, designed and fabricated in-house by the Science Centre’s scientists, designers, writers and craftspeople, Canada 150: Discovery Way emphasizes the curiosity, critical thinking and courage required for scientific discoveries. Through 22 notable artifacts, the installation instills visitors with a sense of pride in Canada’s scientific achievements and encourages them to ask questions, make observations and test ideas of their own.

Visitors can also enjoy the Energy Show, a new experience that explores the practical applications of energy consumption. Guided by an Ontario Science Centre presenter, audiences are able to assist with energy-related research by making hypotheses, conducting experiments, uploading data and testing very unique equipment—including a seven-foot, 500,000-volt Tesla coil, a captivating Faraday cage and a hair-raising Van de Graaff generator!

The Ontario Science Centre’s vision is to inspire a lifelong journey of curiosity, discovery and action. Encourage the next generation of innovators by contacting the Ontario Science Centre booking office at [email protected] or 888.696.1110.

Photo courtesy of Ontario Science Centre.