Fun Ways to Fund School Travel

Aug 15, 2017

Student travel is important, student travel is exciting, student travel is … expensive! While traveling with their classmates, students learn things that cannot be taught in the traditional classroom setting. In addition to the purely scholastic aspect of student travel, children also learn important things about themselves and their peers. These opportunities cannot be missed; therefore, funds must be raised. The following ideas may help make your now aspirational student travel dreams a reality.

Fundraisers in which the students play an active role are often the most lucrative. If you are organizing a trip for a group of musically inclined students, they can raise money by showcasing their talents. Pledges could be collected for a daylong rehearse-a-thon or karaoke event. These students could even turn the tables on their supporters. What 14-year-old wouldn’t chip in to see Mr. Smith, the otherwise quiet algebra teacher, stand on stage belting out “My Country ‘This of Thee”?

Fundraisers don’t have to be complicated. Car washes, spaghetti dinners, bake sales, concession stand sales and walk-a-thons are easily organized, and quite lucrative when properly promoted. Your students can also select a community service project and collect pledges to complete this altruistic work. As an added bonus, these projects teach students the importance of helping others.

Many local restaurants offer guest or VIP server opportunities. For these events, the restaurant gives the school a percentage of the night’s revenue. These events work best when your VIP server is a well-know figure in your community—preferably one with many friends who will pay to see him or her serving a burger!

More complicated fundraisers, such as silent auctions, will require adult involvement. While silent auctions are labor intensive, they are typically incredibly successful. And remember, a silent auction can always be just one aspect of an even larger fundraising event.

To gather additional fundraising ideas, click here to access the article “Funding School Travel” in the January 2016 edition of Teach & Travel magazine.

Written by Lisa Stickler, staff writer for Teach & Travel magazine.