4 Tips For Winning Over a School Board

Apr 6, 2022

Student travel is a lot of fun … but it’s not all fun and games.

Travel is an opportunity for students to explore the world outside their own neighborhood, city, state or even country. Travel breaks down barriers to a student’s personal, educational and social development. It helps youth build self-esteem, independence, tolerance and cultural understanding.

In short: Student travel is an education in itself.

While you may understand that, your administration and school board may be a bit foggy on the details.

Here are four tips to help you get your ducks in a row before you present your travel plans to the powers that be.

4 TIPS TO WIN OVER A SCHOOL BOARD (by Educational Tours Inc.)

Give them your safety plan.
ETI highly values student safety—it’s important—and we work hard to prioritize it. That’s something that we have in common with the administration and school board. When presenting your travel plans, be sure to mention that you’ve hired a group travel planner that has specific experience in student tours and has COVID-19 protocols. It’s important to reassure the school board that your tour operator and all the destinations/attractions on your itinerary will be following local/state/national policies to keep students safe and healthy.

Also, provide information about the travel planner’s security policies at hotels, an outline of chaperones’ roles and the 24/7 emergency contact number. You might also address liability insurance. When using a reputable tour company, that burden is lifted from the school.

Provide a general overview or itinerary.

Provide an itinerary that includes as many specifics as possible—everything from transportation and accommodations to meals and attractions. This is your opportunity to share everything that is included in the price of the trip, so the administration and school board know exactly what is included.

Emphasize the educational focus.
Whether your students are touring museums, performing in front of an audience, attending workshops with a professional, or learning about physics at an amusement park, explain how the trip enhances your lesson plans and the curriculum. Provide details on how you will engage these lessons, before and after the trip—will students be assigned a project or presentation?

Spell out the social benefits.
The benefits of travel go beyond education. In addition to the specific educational benefits of the tour you’re planning, travel, in general, can transform student lives. The Student & Youth Travel Association (SYTA) provides research and statistics on the many benefits of student travel, to help support your proposal.

Student travel is a valuable opportunity for students. Employing the right tactics, you can help the school board and administration clearly see the benefits of a tour.

This article is courtesy of Educational Tours, Inc., a SYTA member tour operator.