Travel Essentials in a COVID-19 World

Jul 21, 2020

Hitting the road in the time of COVID-19 can be nerve-wracking, to say the least. When it comes to student groups traveling to destinations and attractions that have been given the green light to welcome guests, there are some key items to pack to ensure all your bases are covered.

First and foremost, bringing a mask is a must. Better yet, bring several in case that yours gets dirty, damaged, or lost along the way. This, in addition to social distancing, help your adventures stay healthy.

Hand Sanitizer
Inevitably, students are going to touch shared door handles and surfaces. Having hand sanitizer on you at all times helps keep your hands clean, in lieu of not always having access to a sink to properly wash them like normal.

Whether it’s a table or seat at an attraction or the remote in a hotel room, having sanitizing wipes at the ready is never a bad idea.

Writing Utensils
It’s smart to carry a pen or pencil with you while on the road anyway. But especially now, having your own writing utensil eliminates the need to share one with anyone else.

Though most student travelers now have smartphones, having one on the road today is essential. Many restaurants and experiences are going touchless by making menus and other materials available via QR codes, scanned right from the photo app.

Written by Sarah Suydam, Staff Writer for Teach & Travel.