ABCs of the EBG

Nov 8, 2022

It’s always good to know where to turn for help when in the beginning stages of planning your next student trip. SYTA’s Educators’ Buyers Guide is a resource full of student-and-youth-friendly travel options—including travel planners, tour operators, travel agents, and suppliers such as museums and hotels!

ABCs of the EBG

 Always look through the EBG for itinerary ideas, new contacts and more.

B: Browse the Tour Operators, to find an expert who could offer guidance and help plan your trip to be the best yet.

C: Click around! The digital guide has direct links to every SYTA Member, so you can easily do your research.

D: Don’t hesitate to call with any questions: The EBG lists the phone number for each tour operator and supplier.

E: Examine the Code of Ethics included in the guide, to which all SYTA members must adhere.

F: Forget the days of uncertainty involving a new place: CVBs and DMOs ensure you have the information to make your trip to a new and exciting destination a success.

G: Get excited about all the learning options available! Whether wandering through a museum, getting thrills at an amusement park, gaining knowledge about historic landmarks or otherwise, the opportunities are endless.

H: Hungry? Dining choices abound in the EBG, ensuring students are fueled up for their unforgettable adventures.

I: If you’re ready to start planning, check out the full 2023 EBG, available here!

Written by Sarah Suydam, Staff Writer for Teach & Travel.