In this issue of Teach & Travel magazine, explore the top student destinations for 2024


Students Speak: Lifting Each Other Up

The van door closed behind me as my foot touched down onto a gravel road. As our group moved packs of chips and energy drinks from the trunk to a couple of small, time-worn red wagons, I started to pay attention to the streets surrounding me. Newspapers and plastic...

Making Travel Happen, Together

As principal of Island City Academy, Aaron Warren helps lead the charge for student travel. The small K-8 charter school in Eaton Rapids, Michigan is part of a tight-knit community, where families show up and show out consistently for travel and education, in...

Exploring Every Side of a Legacy at Mount Vernon

Tamika Bradford’s students knew the very basics of George Washington’s legacy, but hardly the full extent. That’s partly why Bradford took her class from Bronzeville Classical School in Chicago to Mount Vernon in Virginia, seated right on the Potomac River. At this...

Capturing Memories Forever, Safely

Memories are fickle and a whole lot happens when you’re on a trip, so documenting it all is an important part of travel. This used to involve disposable cameras and maybe a journal. Nowadays, students all have phones that allow them to document trips in much greater...

Leading Groups Large and Small

When leading a student educational trip, one of the first decisions that must be made is the size of the group. There are pros and cons to managing a handful of students versus 100, but it may come down to finances, space availability, and the educator’s comfort in...

Walking in Grandma’s Path at Ellis Island

You never know what connections across time and culture will be forged through student travel. Late 2022, the South Dakota State University’s Pride of the Dakota's Marching Band went to New York City with the help of Bob Rogers Travel. There, one student came...

Broadening Horizons at 5,000 Feet and Beyond

Deb Alsup, kindergarten teacher at Tok School in the Alaska Gateway School District, isn’t originally from “The Last Frontier,” but transplanted there after growing up in Ames, Iowa, getting her college education in Utah, and traveling to faraway destinations across...

Making Travel Possible with SYF

The SYTA Youth Foundation’s mission is to connect youth with the resources required for travel experiences, including scholarships to help cover the gaps between cost and affordability. Just one story of SYF making a difference is with Denver Community Schools out of...

Massachusetts: A Small State with Big Influence

The famous Boston Tea Party and the start of the American Revolutionary War. The Salem Witch Trials. The landing of the Mayflower. The first Thanksgiving. Massachusetts brings to mind all of these noteworthy events, and yet, it offers so much more than lessons in...

Laura McMaster: Championing Student Travel

Since 2010, Laura McMaster has been travelling with students to destinations within North America and Europe, opening the world to more than 400 of her Miles MacDonell Collegiate (Winnipeg, MB) students. Since 2010, Laura McMaster has been travelling with students to...