Adapt & Innovate

Adapt & Innovate

During the summer, I took a three-week European trip. Two friends traveled with me for most of the trip, and along the way, we had to modify and innovate when we faced challenges. These obstacles pushed us out of our comfort zone but made us more resilient and...
Navigating Cultural Etiquette

Navigating Cultural Etiquette

While growing up, my parents often reminded me, “Mind your manners.” Those manners included not eating with your mouth open and making noises, leaving a tip at a restaurant, waiting patiently in line, not standing too close to others, saying please and thank you, and...
Creatively Handling the Unexpected

Creatively Handling the Unexpected

When adapting may be more important than planning. Don’t let fear of the unknown and unexpected stop your travels. Many people fear getting caught in a unique situation and not knowing what to do, yet we are resourceful and often discover creative ways to handle the...