Shear Madness is one of the most popular productions in the world, delighting audiences’ night after night with its unique blend of madcap improvisation and spine-tickling mystery. This unique comedy-whodunit takes place today in the Shear Madness hairstyling salon...
Broadway is a place where stories from all walks of life come alive, delving into themes like love, friendship, identity and resilience. Experiencing theatre can broaden student groups’ understanding of the world, spark creativity, and inspire in ways no textbook can....
Broadway has the power to educate and inspire, making it perfect for student groups seeking a unique blend of education and entertainment. Theatre allows students to explore topics and themes that are relevant to their studies, all while having plenty of fun. Must-See...
Attention all group travel enthusiasts and culture aficionados! Mark your calendars and pack your bags, because Shores & Islands Ohio is about to unveil one of its most treasured landmarks. The Sandusky State Theatre, the region’s cultural heart since 1928,...
There is nothing quite like live theatre to transport young minds to different eras, expose them to varied perspectives, and inspire creativity. This makes Broadway not just a fun attraction but an invaluable teaching tool. This year, a number of Broadway’s Tony...