For student groups seeking a deep dive into the rich layers of American history, the Putnam Historic District in Zanesville, Ohio offers an immersive educational experience. The Stone Academy, the Underground Railroad (UGRR) Interpretive Center, and the Putnam...
The Freedom Trail® and Black Heritage Trail® have plenty of opportunities to keep students learning and experiencing Boston’s history remotely. To serve the public while spending time away from schools, the Freedom Trail® official historic sites, Museum of...
Ready to rev up your student tours! New Jersey is a state where students can discover their Revolutionary roots, engage in American innovation, interact with natural wonders, and play or perform in a variety of venues. Engage student groups with tours of George...
Fatal sword duels, the grave of a ruthless pirate, scandalous murders, the punishment and hanging of convicted witches … With a history like that, who needs the dark? But it’s a nice touch. In September and October 2017, the Boston Freedom Trail Lantern...
Baltimore’s tapestry of historic sites, museums and attractions blends education with fun, to deliver a rich experience for student groups of all ages and interests. Many of the museums and attractions provide curricula exclusively for groups, offering authentic...