For student groups seeking a deep dive into the rich layers of American history, the Putnam Historic District in Zanesville, Ohio offers an immersive educational experience. The Stone Academy, the Underground Railroad (UGRR) Interpretive Center, and the Putnam...
Attention all group travel enthusiasts and culture aficionados! Mark your calendars and pack your bags, because Shores & Islands Ohio is about to unveil one of its most treasured landmarks. The Sandusky State Theatre, the region’s cultural heart since 1928,...
Sandusky, Ohio, boasts significant ties to the Underground Railroad movement, offering compelling opportunities for student groups exploring Shores & Islands Ohio to delve into its rich historical legacy. During the mid-19th century, Sandusky emerged as a pivotal...
Students love to tour Ohio’s Lake Erie Shores & Islands because it offers just the right mix of education and fun. We want to make sure your visit is not only a memorable one, but also safe. Additional policies and procedures have been put into place...
Student travel planning has always been multifaceted. With the heightened need for measures to keep student travelers healthy, there’s a lot to consider when planning future group travel. Without question, enhanced safety is at the top of that list. So, when faced...