Shear Madness is one of the most popular productions in the world, delighting audiences’ night after night with its unique blend of madcap improvisation and spine-tickling mystery. This unique comedy-whodunit takes place today in the Shear Madness hairstyling salon...
Shear Madness, the interactive comedy whodunit, has been delighting audiences at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. for over 13,500 performances. Why? Because it’s funny, topical, and different every night. Students love solving the zany mystery and more than...
A long-standing favorite for many, Shear Madness brings unexpected laughs and audience involvement to the forefront. Co-creator, co-producer and former Shear Madness actress Marilyn Abrmas shares what exactly it is about the hilarious play that students can’t...
Shear Madness is proud to have entertained over 10,000 SYTA groups during its record-breaking run in Boston and Washington, D.C. But what about this comedy whodunit show makes it so special? Let’s set the scene: The audience arrives to find some of the actors on...