Nestled on the northern Hudson Bay coastline, Churchill, Manitoba beckons students with the promise of discovering unique wildlife experiences and uncovering the study of northern lights. This hidden gem offers an array of educational experiences, making it an ideal...
Student Universe, an organization that encourages students and youth to travel and explore the world, recently conducted a study. As part of their research, they surveyed four thousand 18- to 25-year-olds from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia...
February is Black History Month, an annual celebration of achievements by Black Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. In honor of the successes and advancements Black Americans have achieved and contributed to society, check out...
Earlier this month, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention announced that people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are allowed to travel without tests or quarantine. The only caveat is that travelers continue to wear masks and observe all other...
Music exists because there are things that words cannot describe, nor express. Nothing I write on this page will make the reader feel what it’s like to stand in a choir, a single voice among many, locked into the harmonies. Nothing I write can replicate the...