Nestled on the northern Hudson Bay coastline, Churchill, Manitoba beckons students with the promise of discovering unique wildlife experiences and uncovering the study of northern lights. This hidden gem offers an array of educational experiences, making it an ideal...
In the center of Canada lies a beautiful province full of a wide variety of landscapes and incredible outdoor experiences: Manitoba. Known as Canada’s Heart, Manitoba is home to the capital, Winnipeg, the polar bear capital of the world, Churchill, and much...
This central Canadian province is known for its iconic wildlife experiences, including seeing polar bears and beluga whales in Churchill. Its capital city—Winnipeg—is celebrated for its diverse arts and culture and red-hot food scene. But for those wanting to explore...
Did you know that Manitoba is home to Western Canada’s largest Francophone population? It’s true! There are many ways for students to experience the passion and history of the Franco-Manitoban culture in the heart of Canada. Students can visit...