The Price of Popularity: Reckoning with Overtourism

The Price of Popularity: Reckoning with Overtourism

This past summer, there were lots of conversations about overtourism. According to the Oxford Dictionary, overtourism is, “The situation where a place of interest is visited by too many tourists. In many places, overtourism is provoking a backlash from the locals.”...
Supporting Local Through Travel

Supporting Local Through Travel

As the president of the Mount Olive Area Chamber of Commerce (North Carolina), I promote supporting small businesses & shopping local especially in our rural town with a population of 4,500. It is imperative that our citizens support our mom and pop stores who...
How to Travel with Curiosity and Humility

How to Travel with Curiosity and Humility

When traveling anywhere—but especially to another country or different socioeconomic setting—understanding race, culture and privilege is crucial to getting the most out of travel. It’s also important if you want to be a respectful guest and visitor who makes a...
Immersing Students in the Travel Experience

Immersing Students in the Travel Experience

At age 17, I was an exchange student in the Netherlands and lived with a Dutch family for three months. It was the biggest challenge of my life, especially not knowing the Dutch language, culture, and traditions. Despite my ignorance of their lifestyle, I was...